hyperballad up close
by Hyperballad |
14 Jul 2008 |
Hyperballad has been working behind the scenes of IFM for some time now, and is a constant source of inspiration and ideas and early morning jelly beans. Today she shares something with the website that she couldn't possibly have done at her desk, and I'm feeling more than a little grateful that she did. |
Click image to stream video. Quality depends on connection speed.
CurvyThe beauty of thicker women.Larger BreastsWomen whose breasts are above average size for their body type.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
Up Close;

silver reissue
by snow_black |
12 Jul 2008 |
There is something so beautifully delicate about Snow Black's 'silver' that makes us feel really, really amazing when we watch it. That's the unexplainable thing about aesthetics – sometimes you just look at something and it makes you feel so good that you have to share it with others and hope they'll see the same thing. |
Click image to stream video. Quality depends on connection speed.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or
unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.

night 1
by Avani |
11 Jul 2008 |
On sweltering summer nights where you need only a sheet to cover you, the restlessness of heat keeps you tossing and turning, whimpering for sleep. Avani chooses to make the best of these conditions. In the soft light of nighttime's varied luminescence, she embraces the warmth cast over her body in pure sensual bliss. |
Click image to stream video. Quality depends on connection speed.
FeetOutstretched feet, toe pointing and curling, foot play.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or
unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.
Fantasy & Adventure;

mirror mirror 2
by Sheila |
10 Jul 2008 |
You have all turned into giddy little schoolgirls over Sheila's debut, and whilst we have a mind to exploit that just a little bit, the sound of your high-pitched voices whining 'please can we have some more?' is a little too much to bear. So here it is, part two, the fairest one of all… |
Click image to stream video. Quality depends on connection speed.
Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or
unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.

by suki |
09 Jul 2008 |
Suki's Homemade has a lovely soundtrack – it's a different Men at Work sort of sound, complete with bangs and buzzings. This may or may not account for an interruption to her activities, which involved a re-dress and perhaps some quick negotiations to enable her to return to her work, thankyouverymuch. |
Click image to stream video. Quality depends on connection speed.
Multiple OrgasmThose lucky ladies who can rebuild after their orgasm fades.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or
unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
Home Made;

all frills
by Pearline |
08 Jul 2008 |
Looking like something out of a fairy tale, Pearline brings her frills and lace and apparent delicacy to IFM at last. But appearances are not exactly what they seem, which you'll see in her upcoming work, and that which she's already contributed to www.ishotmyself.com. This girl's a smoking gun. |
Click image to stream video. Quality depends on connection speed.
Tummy GirlsLadies who climax face down. About 5% of women, especially young women, prefer to do it this way - about 20% do it sometimes.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or
unconventional piercings.PetiteSmall stature and of slim build.RedheadsGingers, carrot-tops, embers - teased at school, then in late teens bloom into the most beautiful women. Naturals only.

fascinated 2
by micheline |
07 Jul 2008 |
In case it's not made clear by her masturbatory style, Micheline is fascinated by sex and sensuality, and has a whole heap of corresponding stories to tell. You can catch some of them in her upcoming Lucubrations, but not all of them – the rest are in her head, and perhaps being re-told as we speak. |
Click image to stream video. Quality depends on connection speed.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Multiple OrgasmThose lucky ladies who can rebuild after their orgasm fades.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or
unconventional piercings.RedheadsGingers, carrot-tops, embers - teased at school, then in late teens bloom into the most beautiful women. Naturals only.

abandon reissue
by Lilie |
06 Jul 2008 |
When things get crazy in life, it's always nice to return to a familiar place. Lilie's 'abandon' is a routinely-watched IFM video, according to our records, and I for one have an eternal place for it on my hard drive. Let's take a closer look at one of IFM's most naturally but dramatically beautiful videos, and feel that familiar feeling again.
Click image to stream video. Quality depends on connection speed.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Abandoned SpacesDerelict buildings, rusty machinery, wide open spaces, railways. That feeling someone's been here, but right now, it's all yours. Make the most of it.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
Fantasy & Adventure;

by letisha |
05 Jul 2008 |
In addition to being heartstoppingly pretty, Letisha makes the most beautiful motions with her body in the first of several contributions to our pretty little orgasm Project. I love the way her hips rise to meet her hands and build tension in her body, and then release back to the bed, only to rise again in the next wave of pleasure. |
Click image to stream video. Quality depends on connection speed.
Multiple OrgasmThose lucky ladies who can rebuild after their orgasm fades.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or
unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.

double take
by mostrina |
04 Jul 2008 |
We couldn't decide which of these takes of Mostrina we liked better, so we decided to tell the whole story today. Looking at a beautiful naked girl is one thing, but when she's composed herself so beautifully into the frame, there's an extra little layer of sexy that may translate to physical sensation if you're appropriately tuned in. |
Click image to stream video. Quality depends on connection speed.
Multiple OrgasmThose lucky ladies who can rebuild after their orgasm fades.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.Small BreastsThe itty bitty titty committee meets the first Sunday of every month. Are you coming?PetiteSmall stature and of slim build.
Home Made;