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02 Nov 2021
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There’s only one downside to using a showerhead to get off, aside from the water bill - inevitably, that delicious warm water is bound to go cold. And if you’re as insatiable as Georgia, you’re unlikely to be satisfied once it does. Fortunately, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Georgia’s not even finished with her smoke break before she’s right back at it.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.YumWomen who love their own taste - or their partner's - on their fingers. Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
4K   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo
01 Nov 2021
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I love the way Lina looks at herself as she masturbates, opening her legs as if she’s uncovering a great gift. Her little smile, her knitted brow - that expressive face that allows us to track every single ripple and jolt, mapping the electric flow of arousal as it mounts and threatens to overwhelm.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.PetiteSmall stature and of slim build.
HD   Home Made, Solo
31 Oct 2021
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Shoshanna’s adoration of her own nipples feels psychically connected with me - everything I feel drawn to do, she does to herself. She is perfect, every motion in total alignment, completely connected to every sigh and desire. She is pulse and press, two-handed bliss, a hip-connected full bodied technique that drives her, and me, completely wild.
NipplesSome are unusually large, or a particularly pretty shape, or change shape or size all on their own. One of those visible signs of arousal you can't fake!Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.YumWomen who love their own taste - or their partner's - on their fingers. Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
4K   Studio, Solo
30 Oct 2021
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And now again Melanie lays at her magic, enraptured by her own spells and enchantments, love potions and salves all for her own self. The sharing of love is a parting with power, a fatal depletion which need not be risked . Alone, complete, Melanie fills all of herself, every needing hole, met with a crystal rod.
Anal PlayIncluding finger play, butt plugs and object insertion.HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.FeetOutstretched feet, toe pointing and curling, foot play.YumWomen who love their own taste - or their partner's - on their fingers. Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Object InsertionThese industrious ladies know how to improvise! No commercial sex toys here. Stationery, vegies, tools - whatever comes to hand.PetiteSmall stature and of slim build.Visible WetnessYou can see it or hear it, the sure sign of arousal.
4K   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo
29 Oct 2021
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Siobhan, totally naked on the crumpled white sheets of the studio, feels so iconic to me right now. Hardly anything exists in the room to distract from her from herself, and nothing as well, to distract us from her. These moments as we all focus completely on Siobhan's movements and sighs, her pleasure and her mounting arousal, seem to fade from thought, becoming embodied, an infinite now, no rush, no goal.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.FlushThe beauty of pale skin of the face, neck and chest flushing under arousal.
4K   Studio, Solo
27 Oct 2021
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With her well-deserved solo time behind her, Margherita’s ready to moisturise and get ready to go out and meet her friends. Or is she? Actually, that lotion seems like it feels pretty good. Maybe she’ll take a little bit more time.. ignore those texts… and show up fashionably late, instead.
Multiple OrgasmThose lucky ladies who can rebuild after their orgasm fades.FeetOutstretched feet, toe pointing and curling, foot play.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.Small BreastsThe itty bitty titty committee meets the first Sunday of every month. Are you coming?Visible WetnessYou can see it or hear it, the sure sign of arousal.
HD   Home Made, Solo
26 Oct 2021
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It takes Tallie a little while to get started - and after last time, I’d kill to know what’s going through her head - but every second is deliberate, teasing, as Tallie makes her body wait for it. Every time her arousal threatens to overwhelm, her fingers let up, denying, refusing, keeping that cascade at bay. How long can she stay in control? How long can she edge her orgasm, before those sensations become more than she can resist?
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.FlushThe beauty of pale skin of the face, neck and chest flushing under arousal.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.Small BreastsThe itty bitty titty committee meets the first Sunday of every month. Are you coming?PetiteSmall stature and of slim build.
4K   Studio, Solo
25 Oct 2021
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Sascha’s over the novelty of organic playthings - sometimes, only synthetic will do the job. Still, no need to spend hundreds of dollars on fancy sex toys. Lying around any house, you’re sure to find a number of enticing objects, all with different shapes and sizes. All Sascha has to do is experiment to find her perfect toy.
CurvyThe beauty of thicker women.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.Object InsertionThese industrious ladies know how to improvise! No commercial sex toys here. Stationery, vegies, tools - whatever comes to hand.Visible WetnessYou can see it or hear it, the sure sign of arousal.
4K   Home Made, Solo
25 Oct 2021
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“I was lucky enough that I had really open friends, and so we kind of discussed it, talked about what we did … it doesn't usually involve a pillow. So I started going for it with my hands, except again, as I was still pretty new to the game... it took me quite a few tries to realize that I was actually putting the finger up the less frequently used hole, let's say. But it worked, and I still do like to sometimes do a bit of teasing. A little bit of anal play can always be fun. I guess I've been into it since day one.”
4K   Loose Ends, Solo
24 Oct 2021
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Hannah’s had plenty of time for innovation and experimentation since her early days with fingers and hairbrushes, and her orgasm has definitely benefited from it. What’s good for the orgasm is good for the girl, and good for us too. Moments like these are what make IFM so special, as Hannah indulges herself as fully, as deeply as she could possibly desire.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.
4K   Studio, Solo

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