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19 Feb 2014
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I find myself wondering about Ambra's bandages today - probably because I'm not-very-stealthily checking out her feet a lot. She has really nice feet. And all the band-aids and what-not just add to the allure - I love a girl who can let loose and get a little messy, sustaining a few bumps and bruises as a result.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo
18 Feb 2014
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Temptation draws attention to the bare, vulnerable column of her own neck, her hands briefly flitting up to encircle it before getting distracted by more urgent erogenous zones. It makes me wonder about what she's like with a partner - if she's the one who likes to have her breathing oh-so-slightly constricted, or if she just likes the way her hands feel, wrapped around her lover's quickly beating pulse.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.
HD   Up Close, Solo
17 Feb 2014
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This homemade has a really unique feeling to it - the sound of rushing water, coming from the unseen recesses of the house, the squeak of the bed, the sound of Eureka's breathing. It's almost eerie - I really, really like it. It feels more like a video diary, in a way - it feels like Eureka's extra alone, and being extra intentional - making this video for herself, for us. And getting off on it.
Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Home Made, Solo
16 Feb 2014
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Xoxachahim approaches her own body with loving intention, engaging herself with romance, flowers, and the long slow strokes of foreplay until she can accept a deeper satisfaction. This kind of self-love allows her to move into emotional spaces most of us never allow ourselves to engage with, as Xoxachahim shares with us a climax so tender and beautiful, that I feel honored to have witnessed it.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.
HD   Studio, Solo
15 Feb 2014
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A dream, really, this magical water. I like to imagine a raincloud hovering above Lady Lou and going everywhere with her, a cloud that would rain when Lady Lou asked it to, and stop when she wanted to stay dry. All the adventures you could have by day... and then, what Lady Lou does under her private waterfall by night...
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.FeetOutstretched feet, toe pointing and curling, foot play.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo
14 Feb 2014
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Lena D's relaxed nature relaxes me, in turn, which makes her videos a great source of stress relief for me - and for all you lucky members. There's some videos I just want to watch again and again, and this is one of them. Seeing Lena D progress from that easygoing sensuality through to a gasping, well-deserved climax is inspiring in all the very best ways.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.
HD   Studio, Solo
12 Feb 2014
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Mishah's Up Close is extra welcome around these parts - meaning, my desk. Her first contribution had such a sensuous quality, like the perfect nightcap. Smooth, soothing, and rich, I could watch Mishah every night as I fell asleep, and have my dreams even sweeter for it. This Up Close carries on her tradition, only in much greater detail.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Up Close, Solo
11 Feb 2014
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Well, two contributors who tend to have what are considered some of IFM's most intense orgasms just hopped into bed together, and they let us film them, so believe me when I say that we are about to embark on a wildly hot ride. Immie's up first, and the intense flush on her face as she looks at Annabellelee makes me think that this is going to be a good one...
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Fantasy & Adventure, Friends
10 Feb 2014
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Oooh, a single cam steady frame. We like those, don't we folks? The lack of interruption from editing or camera changes allows us to focus entirely on what matters - Eureka's beautiful prescence in front of us, and the process of her orgasm from start to finish, completely raw and candid. Eureka's own solo sex tape - and she was nice enough to share it with us.
FeetOutstretched feet, toe pointing and curling, foot play.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Home Made, Solo
07 Feb 2014
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Watching Rhin in amazement, I can't help but wonder if she's ok, if it's really possible to maintain that kind of intensity for as long as she does. Every single muscle of her body outlined in extraordinary tension, she lingers on the brink longer than I've seen anyone manage, only allowing herself to pass over the edge, it seems, when her body is simply too exhausted to maintain the pace.
Tummy GirlsLadies who climax face down. About 5% of women, especially young women, prefer to do it this way - about 20% do it sometimes.FeetOutstretched feet, toe pointing and curling, foot play.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Studio, Solo

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