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31 Jul 2016
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Mae’s breathy moans and her vintage aesthetic all contribute to give these moments a sense of high drama, emotional impact which has me on the edge of my seat, breathing with her, eyes wide in empathetic anticipation of what will happen next. Fortunately, I won’t have to wonder for long.
Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.
HD   Studio, Solo
30 Jul 2016
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I have this desire with Redbird to see magnified every small part of her, to contemplate a stunning ringlet, to isolate a single gasp, to fill my vision with the colours of her, the pinks and russets and creams and peaches, one by one. There’s just so much that’s so beautiful about you, Redbird – no matter how much I see, I want to see more.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.FeetOutstretched feet, toe pointing and curling, foot play.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.RedheadsGingers, carrot-tops, embers - teased at school, then in late teens bloom into the most beautiful women. Naturals only.
HD   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo
29 Jul 2016
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Anna Belle’s paces are subtle, which if you’re following along, you know I have a special fondness for. Her calm and stillness allow her observer to go deeper, noticing those sweet and subtle changes – the ever so slightly quickening of her ribcage as her breath grows shallower; the trembling of her lower belly, the way her hips move as she tightens her bum. I love the sensitivity she requires of her viewers.
FlushThe beauty of pale skin of the face, neck and chest flushing under arousal.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Small BreastsThe itty bitty titty committee meets the first Sunday of every month. Are you coming?PetiteSmall stature and of slim build.Visible WetnessYou can see it or hear it, the sure sign of arousal.
HD   Studio, Solo
27 Jul 2016
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It’s so sexy to listen to the pulsing mode of that vibrator, Blake’s moans echoing the pulses, the movements, her gasp as she pushes it closer to her, the sound muffling – the audible narrative of her need as she positions the powerful toy. I can just feel the way its vibrations are so strong she almost can’t bear it – “almost” being the operative word.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.
HD   Up Close, Solo
26 Jul 2016
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I’m actually having trouble typing here, which makes me laugh when I think about all the typing one-handed jokes, but I’m sorry, folks, it’s just… this is too hot for your XY-inclined captionist. Oh, the kissing, oh, the way they say “hey…” to each other… flawless artistry, romantic depth, deep sex, beautiful love. Oh yes.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Home Made, Friends
25 Jul 2016
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Katerina’s slowing it down now, taking time to tease and sigh, allowing her mind to relax into that thought-less place where pure sensation can bloom. We are told so frequently to let go, just let go – well if it were so easy, we wouldn’t have to be told all the time. I like to just watch Katerina, as she leads by example.
AnnouncingThose involuntary exclamations - "I'm Coming", "I'm going to come" etc.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.
HD   Home Made, Solo
24 Jul 2016
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I just have to say – Maya, you’ve impressed me with your bra removal technique. Not only did you accomplish this task with the utmost grace, and a seductive nonchalance – but you did it one-handed, which is kind of a thing. That combination of ease and awe continues throughout – Maya just makes it look so easy.
Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Studio, Solo
23 Jul 2016
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In your lifetime, I’m sure there’s certain things that stand out in your sexual memory – a photograph, perhaps. A magazine. It’s that moment you first became aware of your innocence – if only as a result of sullying it with your dirty, dirty mind. “Lost Girls” is the perfect literary manifestation of that feeling, magnified into outrageous eroticism – and Redbird’s reaction to it is juuuuust right.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.RedheadsGingers, carrot-tops, embers - teased at school, then in late teens bloom into the most beautiful women. Naturals only.
HD   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo
22 Jul 2016
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Jay Elle shows remarkable restraint, committing to the hands-only orgasm despite her powerful little vibrator lying there so close to her. It’s not always easy, but switching it up sometimes pays off in the end – in addition to a well-deserved orgasm, you get a nice rush of serotonin from that serious arm workout.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.FeetOutstretched feet, toe pointing and curling, foot play.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.Visible WetnessYou can see it or hear it, the sure sign of arousal.
HD   Studio, Solo
21 Jul 2016
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Looking up at Jaqui from this angle is intoxicating, disorienting in the best way. The way she fills up the frame, taking up magnificent amounts of space in our attention, is the stuff of goddess’ – so bow down, supplicant, and let her tower above you.
HD   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo

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