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04 May 2018
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I love a good partially clothed mazz as much as the next girl, but these moments with Kaito really remind me just how gorgeous the fully nude experience can be. I love how the rapid motion of her hand sends ripples and waves through her whole body, her long belly, her smooth arms and breasts and thighs. Everywhere I look is just more Kaito, the experience of her body, every rippling intimate part of her.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.FlushThe beauty of pale skin of the face, neck and chest flushing under arousal.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Studio, Solo
03 May 2018
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Rumi said there was a field somewhere beyond the ideas of right and wrong doing, welcoming his readers to meet him there. I think this field qualifies, too – I mean, technically, public masturbation is a bit illegal. But if Lily and Henna are wrong, well. I don’t want to be right.
ClothedThey reach orgasm by rubbing through, or under their clothing. Most of these are from the early days.TalkingSome ladies record a fantasy and we dub it over their video - others are just on for a chat.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.VoyeurismSomeone's watching! Always with consent.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.
HD   Video Diary, Friends
02 May 2018
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Is it weird to perve on your past self? This video is a blast from the past, filmed - oh - maybe 5 years ago? More? That fringe... and oh, I can see myself trying so hard to get to those multiple orgasms that come so easily to me now. Sweet young me. The only thing we have in common is our vibrators, which is quite the testament to Lelo's manufacturing quality.
AnnouncingThose involuntary exclamations - "I'm Coming", "I'm going to come" etc.HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Multiple OrgasmThose lucky ladies who can rebuild after their orgasm fades.CurvyThe beauty of thicker women.Larger BreastsWomen whose breasts are above average size for their body type.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.
HD   Home Made, Solo
01 May 2018
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I love listening to the audio track of these lovers, their cooings and affirmations of desire and need. It’s just super romantic, how much he loves it, and super erotic, how she gives, how much she gives, and finally – how she takes, taking his come, smiling into the gratitude of his murmured thanks.
ContractionsVisible vaginal/anal contractions at orgasm. Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.TalkingSome ladies record a fantasy and we dub it over their video - others are just on for a chat.
HD   Fantasy & Adventure, Friends
30 Apr 2018
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Any moment we get to spend with Mylah feels like a little holiday, a break in the overwhelming confusion of life outside this perfect world. An indeterminate time of day, a bit of furniture which exists only to support Mylah – and then, these moments, slow touching, unrushed exploration, Mylah’s attention completely taken by her own body, consumed solely by pleasure.
Anal PlayIncluding finger play, butt plugs and object insertion.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.FeetOutstretched feet, toe pointing and curling, foot play.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.
HD   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo
28 Apr 2018
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The knowledge that this was Nazz’ idea, Nazz’ desire, just makes it so much more erotic for me. I love this atmospheric darkness, her own cold, purple wraith in the mirror. The visceral sensory intensity of the way she plays with her companion, slippery, tentacled. Wet. I know I said we wouldn’t take it too far. But Nazz might have other ideas.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.PetiteSmall stature and of slim build.
HD   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo
27 Apr 2018
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The intensity of Angelika’s orgasm in part one has me primed to settle in to every detail of this one. I love the relaxed shape of her body in repose, splayed on her tummy as she gently re-engages with that arousal. Before long she’s responding to her toy and her fingers, breathing into the penetration, faster and faster as she loses herself into feeling.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.FlushThe beauty of pale skin of the face, neck and chest flushing under arousal.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.
HD   Studio, Solo
26 Apr 2018
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Guess what – Lily’s not the only girl who gets a nature mazz on this date. Henna’s having a go too, and she’s got a bonus to cross off her to-do list – a long held desire to have a wank and a smoke, all at the same time. Capnolagnists, pay attention. And for all the ant fetishists out there, finally, we’ve got a little something for you too.
ClothedThey reach orgasm by rubbing through, or under their clothing. Most of these are from the early days.TalkingSome ladies record a fantasy and we dub it over their video - others are just on for a chat.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.VoyeurismSomeone's watching! Always with consent.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.PetiteSmall stature and of slim build.
HD   Video Diary, Friends
25 Apr 2018
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Ebony Q is serving up serious lioness here, with that wild fluorescent mane and her long, lazy movements, dedicated solely to pleasure. I can imagine her laid out long on the savannah, bathed in sunlight, just completely secure. For someone like Ebony, there’s no need to rush – until, of course, it feels so good, that she can’t help but want it faster.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Studio, Solo
24 Apr 2018
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Up Close is such a good modality for Satine, whose sweet attention to her most intimate parts deserves to be observed with at least as much devotion. You can tell how much she cares for herself by the prettiness and of her toy, slender and thick at once, each hard bulb conjuring a physiological response as I imagine the way it must feel inside, giving Satine exactly what she needs, exactly how she needs it.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.
HD   Up Close, Solo

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