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Celebrating the beauty of female self pleasure and authentic orgasm with occasional excursions into mutually satisfying sex with partners and friends.

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25 Mar 2021
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Since the invention of the very first wheelie shoe in 1743, we’ve all been fascinated by roller skates - watching people glide, dance, and spin with grace, free from the plodding reality of us unwheeled mortals. Some people just seem to be able to do just about anything on skates - jump, run, flip, race, bring ice cream to parked cars - but honestly, I’ve never seen anyone do anything quite like this.
Anal PlayIncluding finger play, butt plugs and object insertion.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.FlushThe beauty of pale skin of the face, neck and chest flushing under arousal.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.RedheadsGingers, carrot-tops, embers - teased at school, then in late teens bloom into the most beautiful women. Naturals only.Visible WetnessYou can see it or hear it, the sure sign of arousal.
4K   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo
24 Mar 2021
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Moments like these are exactly what sets IFM apart from other kinds of porn, in my opinion. How often do you get to hear someone explain their feelings about anal play… in such a down to earth way? Nothing exaggerated, just the real deal - how she likes it slow, how she benefits, how it turns her on. Connecting me, informing me, inspiring me. I love it.
Watching PornWomen love porn too! Sometimes it's real life, fleshy porn, a friend putting on a show.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.TalkingSome ladies record a fantasy and we dub it over their video - others are just on for a chat.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.
HD   Home Made, Solo
23 Mar 2021
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Generous amounts of lube give Melanie’s hands free reign to explore fully, sliding and rubbing without any friction at all. Once she moves onto her toy, it’s immediately effective, its vibrations sending strong trembles and quivers through her abdomen and torso. It’s amazing to watch the delicious tension building up in her body, more and more and more until something has to give.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.
4K   Up Close, Solo
22 Mar 2021
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The rituals of self care bring us, present, into our own day to day experience, helping us centre our own selves in our own lives. Brushing your hair, washing your face, moisturising your body, taking time off - all of these we discuss and promote. So why don’t we talk about orgasms? Masturbation is the self-care ritual that nearly everyone practices, but no one mentions.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Multiple OrgasmThose lucky ladies who can rebuild after their orgasm fades.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.PantiesWhere underwear is part of the fun.Small BreastsThe itty bitty titty committee meets the first Sunday of every month. Are you coming?
4K   Home Made, Solo
22 Mar 2021
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“I’ve always enjoyed just using my hands, and in the last few years, have really discovered exploring the rest of my body while I masturbate. Just the process of being able to touch my own face, touch my chest, the things that other people might do for you in a sexual scenario that are really enjoyable and really tactile and kind of enhance that sensory experience of pleasure, that people tend not to do on their own.”
HD   Loose Ends, discreet contentSolo
21 Mar 2021
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Having spent time with Mikayla through her ISM videos, I can almost hear her sweet singing voice in these moments - all poetry, rich in timbre and heavy with beauty. Her life is music, and so I feel the rhythm in her masturbation too - a rise and fall of tempo and intensity, as she edges herself to and fro on the scale of pleasure.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Tattoo FreeWomen without many tattoos or unconventional piercings.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.RedheadsGingers, carrot-tops, embers - teased at school, then in late teens bloom into the most beautiful women. Naturals only.
4K   Studio, Solo
20 Mar 2021
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“Hello lovers, the hero of women's masturbation & pleasure, my mentor, Betty Dodson has left the building. After 2 years away from the IFM cameras I invite you all in to share in my ritual, to raise up my orgasms to Betty & honour her memory - #40DaysForBAD. I'd also like to teach you something: the rock and roll orgasm technique. This was 1st taught to me in circle by Betty & Carlin, in my first ever BodySex workshop in 2018. I can still so clearly remember entering Betty's apartment being greeted by an already naked Carlin, stripping off my clothes at the door & hanging my panties off one of the hooks on the wall…” - Hyperballad
CurvyThe beauty of thicker women.Larger BreastsWomen whose breasts are above average size for their body type.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.TalkingSome ladies record a fantasy and we dub it over their video - others are just on for a chat.
HD   Fantasy & Adventure, Solo
19 Mar 2021
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Euphemia is giving me big Annie Sprinkle eco-sexuality vibes today, describing her hiking trip, meeting 4 attractive men, her fantasies of nature sex. Annie famously said that “Nature is your lover, not your mother” - and I get the impression that today at least, Euphemia might wholeheartedly agree.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.
HD   Video Diary, Solo
18 Mar 2021
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Can you pinpoint the exact moment post orgasm when Savannah decides she needs just a little bit more? It’s so sexy to see .. the way she comes so hard, the way her hips keep working, just a tiny bit, just enough so that she can’t fully rest. Fortunately, even if her hands are tired, her little toy will help her get that last little bit of quiver out of her system.
HairyYou might say "Natural". More than your average level of natural body hair, including armpits.Multiple OrgasmThose lucky ladies who can rebuild after their orgasm fades.Hands OnThese ladies do it all themselves, without the aid of devices.Small BreastsThe itty bitty titty committee meets the first Sunday of every month. Are you coming?
4K   Studio, Solo
17 Mar 2021
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After that last super intense session, it makes sense for Emma to rub through her panties for awhile, easing herself back into that place where intensity and sensitivity intermingle, become indistinguishable. Once she gets there, she’s more than ready for the next sensory step - that deep penetration which allows her to come without much clit stimulation at all.
Deep PenetrationLadies who love that "filled up" feeling. Fingers, toys, or things not designed to go "in there" are all fair game.PantiesWhere underwear is part of the fun.BlondeNatural blondes, as far as we know.PetiteSmall stature and of slim build.
4K   Home Made, Solo

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