Searches on people and video names only. For keyword search go » here
Squad - Help us share the love
If you have a blog or web site where you can promote our take on orgasmic pleasure, that makes you our new best friend. So we'll give you a full month's subscription absolutely FREE - all you have to do is refer us 2 joins. Then we'll email you back a special code to put in the IFeelMyself link URLs on your site. Each time someone joins IFeelMyself via your link, you'll receive an email. Two emails and you qualify for a free month's access. Keep referring and you'll keep getting free access. (If you're already a member, we'll add the month to your current account.)
If you're an experienced adult webmaster you will find info on our webmaster program here.
Free IFM Showreel hosting
Post the IFM showreel on your site - copy and paste all of code provided into your own page.
The video will appear as an image link with text under it as shown.
Remember to replace the XXXXXXXX with your Squad Member number in both places.
Weekly preview
This preview is updated weekly and shows a sneak peek of what's going to be on IFM for the next few days. To link to the weekly preview, copy and paste the code we have here.
Remember to replace the XXXXXXXX with your Squad Member number - in both places.
IFM banners
If video linking isn't your thing but you dig graphics, you can plaster your website or blog with this banner. You can either use the code provided, or right click and 'save picture as' to host it on your own server.
IFM long banner [468 x 60 pixels]
Blog sidebar banners
Random rotating banners
These banners will change with each page load.
If you would like to download our promotional images package [1.13Mb zip file], you can grab one here.