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IFM Testimonials
What you have had to say about IFM:
"Hello! Let me start by saying that I have never subscribed to a site like this before IFM, and I am very glad I did. It is very female-first, as advertised, and I've noticed that the descriptions of the videos in particular are so charming and intimate. So thank you for that!" ›› Sophie, 13/10/2020
"A site where I can enjoy looking at women's bodies with no concerns about it being somehow degrading to or exploitative of them is a joy." ›› Harry, 24/5/2012
"Your website is absolutely beautiful. Finally finding an adult site with genuine honest material is rectifying, and to think that I could be a part of it is a massive turn on! I would love to contribute to ifeelmyself.com!! " ›› kg, 5/5/2012
"I arrived at this website accidentally and could not put it out of my mind. I revisited several times before I decided to join.I joined because it is so free, authentic, uplifting, inspiring - I just love it !" ›› 2/7/12

"Hello, I was moved to email you after seeing the work you have produced and published. I wanted to comment on the beautiful, authentic representation you proved women. After watching one of your videos, I was amazed by how passionately the girl had been, the tasteful manner of which it was shot, and beautiful nature of the female orgasm. It was to my shock to see a whole site dedicated to advocate for realistic representation in such a male dominated industry- and for that I appreciate." ›› J.K. 21/4/2013
"Your website is very arousing. I find myself getting hard when I view the video clips. I have seen a lot of porn, and none are as good as this website.I especially like the fact that you have a wide variety of female types. Some are a bit pleasantly plump, some are skinny, some are older. None the less, they are all beautiful to me. Also, thanks for letting us enjoy pubic hair. Many women have it, and it's a real turn on for me. Lastly,thank you for showing a lot of women totally nude. (I have a thing for feet). Actually,I have a thing for the whole female body. Thank You Very Much. Keep up the good work!" ›› Wayne, 1/6/14
"I just wanted to let you know how happy I am that I stumbled across this website while looking for movies of ladies masturbating. I LOVE watching women bring themselves to a real orgasm and this site is just what I was looking for. Please keep up the awesome videos, they are so beautiful. " ›› Rob, Aug 10
"As a normal, married, heterosexual male, I mostly despair at what passes for erotica on the internet. More often than not, it's transparently staged and insulting to the intelligence. IFM, however, is the first site I've come across that makes me feel 'clean' in the knowledge that I'm watching real women willingly share their sexuality in a way that feels both intimate and entirely authentic. It's had a really positive effect on my relationship with my wife (because I've observed and learnt) and reassured me that men and women aren't very far apart in their desires and needs. " ›› Chris, London, Oct 2011
" Thank you for caring about what you do. You produce the best erotica I've ever seen - it's subtle, enticing, and real. I'm looking forward to this. " Dan, USA 25/10/10

"I have been disabled for over 20 years and can only afford one website at a time. that is the only reason I am not renewing. This is a great concept well executed. " ›› R.O.C., 8/12/10
"Wow, nothing like this site have I ever seen before, it's wonderful! I thought I'd never seen anything done this tastefully. It makes me want to contribute with my own submissions. " ›› 'yearning', 12/2/11
" I Feel Myself it is a beautiful site that promotes honesty in pornography and the female orgasm from all types of women. Just from an artistic perspective, the lighting, film, and sound quality alone gets me off " ›› rachel white, sex blogger http://rabbitwrite.com
"I cried a little when I first watched the sample video on your home page. This is SO incredibly beautiful. As a woman, I feel that you have helped my entire sex and gender population to be a little more free of the dehumanization and objectification, as well as freed us from the Madonna/Whore dichotomy. " ›› taylor, 12/03/11
"Hi. I found your site rather by accident. As a (published) writer of erotic novels I work in a world of seedy trash, yet always try to be tasteful and erotic rather than crude and tasteless. How satisfying, therefore, to see a site such as yours which shows all the good things sex and intimacy should be about." ›› Rob (writing as Robert Newman and as Roger Clark)

"I think what you are doing is fantastic. Nothing truly hardcore or debauched, but erotic and beautiful. Material like yours is hard to find for men like me who have no interest in seeing women used or demeaned. " ›› anonymous, 2011
"I love your site..real people for real people. At last! Somewhere that knows erotic and sensual need some realism to make it work. All the contributors I've seen look like they are actually enjoying themselves, which is the best turn on. thank you " ›› Alex J Aug 09
"I love this site better than any I have seen - it's up there with the Discovery channel " ›› Michael T, 6/8/2009
"First off, I have to say, this site is perfect. Not only for my own personal taste for erotica, but for an example that women can be beautiful, sexual and still be respected, and classy. " ›› J.A.H., 17/7/09
"Hello from a new French fan ! I've just discovered your marvelous project : it's a hymn to sensuality, love, femininity... I've never seen such kind of beautiful aim on the web regarding sexuality. My wife, who isn't usually attracted by erotism on web, told me that your website matches exactly with her way to live feminine sexuality, as masturbation is an important part for both of us. Thanks again! Best regards, " ›› Alain 12/7/09

"I would just like to say, "Thank you." Your website is one (if not the best) website out on the web that really captures a woman's sexuality and the pure art of the female orgasm. Now as a man, I watch your videos and don't think of it a porn, but more like erotic art. The women are naturally beautiful. When they let go of themselves their facial expressions and body language says it all. Bravo IFM.com. I will tell all my male and female friends about your site. " ›› Edward. 6/7/09
"Excelente pagina sobre el climax de la mujer...gracias " ›› miguel, 30/6/09
"This is a first class web site. The content is awesome, and the professionalism in the art and the customer service is very apparent. I'm a very satisfied customer. " ›› rod, 1/7/09
"With tremendous gratitude...I can not thank all of you who have created, and continue to run this site, enough. Quite honestly. It is arguably the most mature, diverse, authentic, and truly "erotic" web site to which I have ever been. I am a "veteran" of pornographic presentation in all its forms and i need to say that what you are doing here has nothing to do with pornography. Truly well done. I have been meaning to correspond for some time now and am very happy that I have finally expressed to you how wonderful this site is. Please don't stop doing the voodoo that you do so well. I will always be a supporter and should you ever find, for what ever reason, that this beautiful project is ever in jeopardy of ceasing to be... I would graciously and humbly ask you to contact me and other subscribers for help. I am certain that I am not the only one out here who would do whatever is necessary to keep this beautiful "creature" you have been kind enough to share, thriving... Much gratitude and encouragement, " ›› Marc 8/3/09
"ifeelmyself is world wide the one and only absolute best erotic page. It's not possible to find a better, hotter sexy and more erotic site on the whole world wide web. Thanks BA and IFM team. " ›› �� kypris

"I just watched Charlotte V's UpClose and I don't think I've ever watched a more erotic video. It was just so fantastic for me. It felt personal. It felt like I was there, close to her, watching this beautiful display... I could almost smell the erotic scents, almost place my lips on her skin. IFM -- you guys rock with the photography here and surpass anything that would be considered pornography. This is truly erotic art -- the upclose photography." ›› lockrivers
"An efficiently operated site with no technical difficulties, most skilfully presenting a difficult subject delicately and artistically." ›› cavebare
"I joined this marvellous site only a few days ago and I have to tell you all, lady contributors, how grateful I feel towards you. To offer us all with such tremendous and amazing videos is something unforgettable for me... No matter what is/are your motivation(s) for allowing us to witness your most intimate moments, I am deeply moved inside with what I get to watch in here. And I thank you all so much, for doing that!" ›› linstrumentiste
"Work of art for sure; sensuous and exhibitionistic, generous women as well; a dedicated team which I would luv to be part of... You may be "Down Under", you're still "High Above" anything else that I saw in seven years onto Internet..." ›› Lin
"From the bottom of my heart, I can only express my utmost appreciation for this site, the lovely ladies who present their videos, and those that support them. I have been a voyeur since I was a kid, and had always felt ashamed and guilty. My biggest dream was to watch a women please herself. I have watched my past partners do it, but never in a setting as these are. You are incredible and I Thank All of you." ›› Bigrig192

"I just wanted to echo what I think are the feelings of the majority of us who have joined this site. You have successfully, tastefully and very erotically captured what may very well be the most beautiful sight on our planet, the female orgasm. Some members might take exception to this statement but the orgasm that a woman can give herself from her own manipulations is probably her most intense." ›› mcman
"ifeelmyself is world wide the one and only absolute best erotic page. It's not possible to find a better, hotter sexy and more erotic site on the whole world wide web. Thanks BA and IFM team." ›› kypris
"It was Frank, my husband, who subscribed after we'd both enjoyed the contributions at BA. But I must admit that this site is a marvel in its own right. Never before I've seen this free exploration of female sexuality, performed with so much intensity and true joy, and filmed in a most tasteful, sensual way. This has been the one and only instance that we've seen REAL sensual sex on camera. Thank you so much for your initiative, and a warm embrace for the women who have the courage and inner freedom to show us their intimate moments!" ›› Marian and Frank, The Netherlands
"Wonderful web site, beautiful ladies, true pleasure..." ›› vkraft
"I am glad this site came along as it is exactly what I was looking for. Over the years I became disenchanted with models masturbating because I knew it wasn't real, especially when you hear the cameraman giving directions. My heartfelt thanks to the people who made this site possible and do the work, and my lifelong adoration to the girls who are the biggest part of making this possible." ›› ashmedi

"My compliments to ifeelmyself for some incredibly beautiful videos. The pure and natural sharing of the female orgasm is so breathtaking, so beautiful." ›› Espen
"I'd just like to tell the owner, administrators and crew of ifeelmyself.com just how amazed I am at their work. This site is the exact bringing to life of my deepest fantasy. Looking at beautiful girls pleasuring themselves. The layout is very nice, the feel of the site is awesome and the girls are amazing. But most of all, it's not porn. It's natural. If you guys can manage to keep it this way, I'll be a member for life. Kudos again and keep up the good work." ›› marcode
"I happened upon this site by chance and, with most things serendipitous, it brought pleasure and a deep feeling of profound beauty. For the human being, to my mind, is a thing of beauty in emotion, in mind and in body when given the freedom to let its imagination fly and, being a philogynist, to have this portrayed visually by women is most wonderful! Congratulations! I shall treasure the expression of the sights I am privileged to bear witness to in gratitude for they touch my soul." ›› sensualmaitre
"I've been a member for a little over a week and can't think of any other adult web site more oriented and focused toward the erotica. Your creation displays a broad range of style, a sense of excitement, and exceptionally good taste. You have my compliments... To me, there is nothing more exciting and sexually stimulating then seeing a woman's body during orgasm! Good job guys and girls! All other adult sites are poor imitations, cheap, tawdry, and haven't a clue as to what they are doing." ›› David J
"I have never seen anything so erotic and praise what you guys are doing. The female orgasm is the most amazing thing and to have beautiful women crossing that erotica is amazing. I can't word it enough. Thank you." ›› briitany

"Wow, the Universe works in strange and wonderful ways. I just knew there would be a great site like yours someplace on the net. What a thought regular folks having regular orgasms. Now that's erotic and it appeals to the voyeur in all of us. I can finally stop wasting my time and money elsewhere, you are now my official site for my autoerotic fixes. I bless you for this and I will bless every wonderful person sharing their innermost secret selves that I will be making love with on the screen of my brand new Mac. You are wonderful" ›› Kevan W
"So much of the internet is taken up by horrible pornography, filled with disgusting people treating sex distastefully... I can't even begin to speak of how disgusted I am with the treatment of women or men as tools and toys. Other websites truly take on the defintion of Pornography... Your site, however... treats sex artistically, and adds so much more. Seeing women truly enjoying sex is rare. Your models are exquisite, and you truly know how to make real women as beautiful as they are. Unlike most other pornography sites, I don't feel dirty after visiting. This is not porn. Nothing this tastefully done deserves to be catagorized in the same genre as filth. Erotic art, yes." ›› anon.
"Wow! Thankyou - what a fantastic idea - wonderfully beautiful sensitive sensual truthful erotic uninhibited ... - I could go on forever - I absolutely love it. This is the first site I have seen of its kind - long awaited for, and the first I have ever been drawn to actually paying for.. and its worth it. Many congratulations I wish you every success long may you continue with many happy orgasmic hours of pleasure for us all! " ›› David
"Just some positive feedback! BRAVO for this site, and what appear to be your sister sites. The internet seems so overloaded with skanky pornography that shows a bunch of pumped up fakes and abusive fellows. I never would have thought that a site featuring only women masturbating would become my new favorite. Very artistically done, and with REAL, beautiful women! Thanks so much!" ›› Steve
"I have only recently subscribed but I would like to say that what you have created is truely beautiful work. The cinematography, lighting and sound are excellent. The editing is understated which is difficult to achieve but less is definitely more! ...I would never dream to subscribe to a porn site but this is different. It is erotic but also so passionate. It is great to see that the models are normal people (well pretty, but normal!)... Maybe others will copy the qualities that you have perfected to create other sites on different sex related subjects to create a revolution in the porn industry. How-about that - you could be creating a sexual revolution!" ›› Ironbath

"Congratulations! what you have achieved is art, pure erotic art with a capital A. Deep deep captivating arousing and absolutely frustrating ;-) art. Bravo! "
"I just wanted to say that this site, and your other two, are fantastic. They are so elegant and well done, so intimate, and beautiful. They are a huge turn on, especially IFM. I don't understand why other sites have to be so unreal, fake, and disrespectful to women. You have done something quite amazing. I would love to know what you have planned next? Any thoughts of doing things live, or connecting users in some way?" ›› John
"I would like to express my appreciation and thanks , for what can only be described as a truly beautiful experience for the viewer. I have trawled many sex web-sites, in reality, searching for something sensitive and visually inspiring but, up till now, have only found myself increasingly becomming both bored and disgusted with the monotony of their content, and the irritating bombardment of pop-ups offering similar material. In your own instance, the subject matter is extremely refreshing, real, and qualitative, and certainly in my own case, depicted in such an invigorating manner, that how could I not feel myself to be sharing intuitively in the experience, with the females on camera. My thanks again for such inspiring ,as well as soul -satisfyiing work" ›› Lucius Perham
"This is without a doubt the best shit I've ever witnessed in my life. You all are genius. This is the definition of erotica. Seriously. Y'all deserve a frickin award. " ›› Kevin
"Wow, this is so different and very cool. The real beauty of the female being is in complete form. No sex doll garbage that so many sites offer. I'm a guy and enjoy masturbation as part of my sex life. I prefer sensual, deep sexual experiences, both with a partner and without. Most guys are probably intimidated in expressing this about themselves, but I was moved by this site. I love watching a woman masturbate. It turns me on beyond belief. IFM is natural, intimate and warm. Your site is refreshing and spiritual. Thanks." ›› Rip Booker

"Congratulation for the new great success! Of course, immediately I bought my Premium Membership. You can't find...a more erotic site on the whole web. Its really worth the money." ›› uri
"So, I thought. It is finally here. I logged on and registered with I FEEL MYSELF with some trepidation, fully expecting to be disappointed. I wasn't. I have just finished watching all of the vids and each is breathtaking in its own individual way. The creators have managed to retain all of the integrity, and the added dimensions of nudity and whole body shots only enhance the beauty and sensuality of the submissions where I had expected it to cheapen them. Congratulations seems such a petty and insubstantial word for what you have managed to achieve with the new site. I look forward to future submission, (particularly the lap dancing one. WOW!!!!), with great anticipation. If anyone reading this has not yet registered with I FEEL MYSELF I urge you to do so." ›› elfman11
"... They have made what might be the internet's first serious site for video erotica. A site that takes its production, customers and content equally seriously, producing erotica with an afterthought that's not going to their bank accounts, but to the actual aesthetic and erotic values of the work produced. Far removed from smutty porn, but no less exciting or 'dirty', quite the contrary actually... revel in the amazing work of erotic art and sexual positivity that is I Feel Myself."
›› Nowaysis
"... goes far above and beyond anything that I expected. Max is a genius with the editing. The ambience created by the lighting is amazing and really adds a special touch as well...I have been reticent and cynical about [BA] being classified as "ART". However, the creative talents of all involved in [IFM], in my opinion definitely calls for such a definition. The special touches in all of the clips thus far really pull you into the experience, which is what art should do if it's done well..."
›› Garybobs

"... I think I have subscribed to my very last, no... its way too classy and way too good to be called a porn site, ever. Fantastic in every respect. One of the things that I enjoyed most is the brief moment the editors put at the end of each clip, when the artists finished and were trying to compose themselves. It was like a brief moment of quiet introspection and you wondered what was going through their minds. These sites are stimulating both sexually and intellectually."
›› panthr6868
"Congratulations to all who have pulled this together and the lovely Liandra for her superb introduction. It's good to see so many contributors and members from both side here already." ›› Belgareth
"...You have successfully, tastefully and very erotically captured what may very well be the most beautiful sight on our planet, the female orgasm. ...The orgasm that a woman can give herself from her own manipulations is probably her most intense. To me this is one of the things which makes masturbation such a beautiful act ... because I think a woman's entire body is beautiful. This must certainly include her genitals which are also beautiful to behold and in my humble opinion are the very essence of her femininity. To be able to witness her whole body as the ecstasy of her orgasm washes over her is just a marvelous sight..." ›› mcman
"At last. The site so many of us have been waiting for, and it was worth the wait. The girls are all fantastic and I can't wait for the new ones to arrive. Well done team!" ›› bluey2
"Those who are familiar with the deliciously devilish Beautful Agony know that the hottest thing on earth is watching girls and boys have richter scale tipping orgasms. But until now, we've only seen them from the neck up. As molten hot as this is, I for one have always wanted to see the rest of the picture. Now you can."
›› Babyboy Freeberg, from the Creamsicle blog