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#26 12-08-06 16:20:41

From: Southern England
Registered: 29-03-06
Posts: 326

Re: I love you I want you

Saying "I love you," or even just asking someone out, requires you to make yourself vulnerable -- you invite rejection. It's a risk. We spend a lot of our lives trying to avoid such rejection. Risking it is not really an ordinary, everyday thing to do. Like applying for a job, auditioning for a part in a play or musical group, or trying out for a team, you open yourself up to criticism. Except that where love is concerned you can't argue your case on rational grounds. (In the old days, 100 years ago, you could: you talked about how much money you had and how respectable your family was, but not any more.)

That's why being fired, kicked off a team, dropped from the band, and dumped by your lover is so intensely painful, too: rejection. The easiest way to avoid it is to be self-employed; not to join teams; not to have lovers. Most people's response to rejection is grief and anger. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

I have no idea how you get over this. If you figure it out, let me know.


#27 13-08-06 00:17:29

From: Australia
Registered: 20-05-06
Posts: 331

Re: I love you I want you

I agree. Getting turned down for a job I can handle. Not getting the part I wanted in a play was once the second most painful experience I ever felt, but I got used to it and got over it.
But nothing felt worse than being laughed at, or ignored, or being told that the one you have just opened your feelings to doesnt have the same feelings.
(The fatal four incident was a dead close second.)
Then again, I have to know. I can live with just being friends and if it means taking another bullet just to know what she feels, I'll do it. I have to know.

Nibbler= I havent asked her yet. It's difficult to find somewhere where she and I can talk. She owns her own business, running it through her sister's shop. Her sister gives me the creeps at the best of times, but I think of that as more like a challenge. I will ask her out. I just have to find my moment.
I'll let you know how it goes.

Last edited by The_West_Wind (13-08-06 00:18:52)

Well... there was nothing in my dark side that really interested me. I guess I just dont have what it takes to be a bad guy.


#28 17-08-06 09:12:08

From: Australia
Registered: 20-05-06
Posts: 331

Re: I love you I want you

Well, I rolled the dice. I flipped a coin. Ippie-dippied. Ennie-meenied. Built my own decision maker... I did everything I could think of to avoid the day I was going to ask out the young woman I have a crush on.

With the thoughts of what could be, and the theme from the animated series of Ironman to get me psyched up. I entered the shop only to be hit by a moment of sheer nervous terror as her sister came to the shop counter. For the first few seconds I actually thought it was her!
I was ready to think of something to quickly lead into asking her out. Things settled down and she told me she left early that day.

*sigh* I know my window will open, if I could just make it past the door.

Well... there was nothing in my dark side that really interested me. I guess I just dont have what it takes to be a bad guy.


#29 17-08-06 19:15:10

From: Sweden
Registered: 04-05-06
Posts: 1,368

Re: I love you I want you

I'm getting an ulcer just reading about your predicament, West Wind. You should take courage from the fact that you're strong enough to make the attempt. I am impressed, and I hope you will succeed in your noble quest.


Maintain a sense of humour about it, whatever "it" is.

"Max Fan Club" Head of Security and In-house Sycophant. (Who says evil can't be a full-time occupation?)


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