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I'm brand new here and I'm not sure how to proceed with this issue. I couldn't seem to find an avenue to contact a moderator or site administrator. Does anyone have any information about how to do that? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If you just fill out a support ticket from here
I'm sure the person reading it can sort it for you and may even be the same person who moderates the forum.
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)
Thanks, blissed. Where did you find that thing, anyway?
It's a page accessed by clicking on help from the menu on the left side of the site homepage.
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)
Yeah, I just realized that I didn't understand what a support tag was. Embarrassed newbie, however, very appreciative for such a quick reply with the exact info I needed. What's really cool is that in such a short time I have already seen quite a bit that shows me that there are a lot of very cool, very real people on this site. The IFM philosophy strikes a deep chord in me about how close it describes my own feelings about how great it would be if this were the norm. Or at least evolving in that direction at a much greater pace.
Our world would be a far better place than it is today.
Oooh! we definitely do need a like button here now
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)
Like buttoned!
I have a wishlist and it's attainable for me and for you:
Wow, thanks for the buttoned Likes. You know, I could swear I bought a bag of "Buttoned Likes" at a kiosk in Paddington Station for the ride to the airport one time. I just can't remember what they were - candy? crackers? Likes with buttons on them? I just remember that there was a mark, "Zuckerberg Farms, Boston, Mass."
Pages: 1