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Pages: 1
Hey, just in case you lot don't know, a wonderful project by the same folks who run ifeelmyself has recently had new life breathed into it:
When describing it to people, I like to say it's "free porn for the visually impaired or simply the aurally inclined!" It's basically erotica read out by various people in various ways and I think it's a great project. Also, a few folks who've contributed here have also contributed there which is nifty.
I'm bad at describing this stuff but you should check it out, I think it's a cool project.
Wow. I'd have loved to hear the show that was on the 18th. Dunno if I'd have liked it but it sure sounds interesting!
Ahhh yessie, Sonic Erotica is back.
I've done a little bit of work over there too, a series called: 'Hyperballad Tells'
It's all about me (but of course) rehashing my real-life experiences. All four stories that I recorded are live, so go have a listen.
Turn on. Tune in. Drop out.
Just bought an Amazon Kindle e-reader 3G wi-fi, hope I can get on it.
Don't try to change others, change yourself :-))
Pages: 1