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I'm way surprised this is available on youtube, so watch it before it gets flagged or something (and don't flag it please!).
So I have found myself in NYC and am bored off my rocker, I tried to make my way down to the Museum of Modern Art to look at some cool shit but only made it there an hour before closing, so I perused the gift shop and looked through a book about women artists and started reading about Carolee Schneeman who seems like an interesting lady indeed. One of her performance pieces (which later inspired the vagina monologues) featured her on stage painting herself with mud and then reaching inside her pussy to pull out a scroll that she read from. Bad. Ass.
Her self shot movie Fuses is kind of cool to watch, she messed with the film a bunch to create the special effects but I think my favorite part is the clips of her cat watching her and her partner fuck.
What Would Lilith Do?
Interesting lady indeed. Thanks for sharing that with us.
That's really good! I've downloaded it so if it's taken down and anyone wants to see it email me and I'll send it too you. It's 18 mb. Anyway what a lovely record of their relationship and Ménage à trois with the cat.
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)
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