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Pages: 1
Hi, just out of plain curiosity, this is the only site I have joined, but which started 1st, Beautiful Agony, or I Shot Myself? I was also just wondering, if I would like any of the other 2 better than this one. I know personal taste comes into it. Although I must say I really like this one a lot. Cheers a happy customer :-)
Don't try to change others, change yourself :-))
Thanks for the message. ISM came first, then BA, then this one. They're quite different andd appeal to different people. ISM has a huge diversity of people, and even without the nudity, just checking out where and how people live is fascinating. Agony is more subtle than IFM as far as the orgasm videos go, but the Confessions are really interesting.
Thank you, for interesting and clear reply :-)
Don't try to change others, change yourself :-))
Pages: 1