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I just don't know it's a tough call!
Could someone expain to us Yanks, what is Top Gear?
Thanks !!
It's very similar to IFM but instead of ladies they have this guy called Jeremy Clarkson who's the kind of love interest.
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)
Interesting link between Clarkson and wanking though
He's not one of my favourite people but I thought this was good. I'm gonna get one.
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)
Thanks for the info.
It's very similar to IFM but instead of ladies they have this guy called Jeremy Clarkson who's the kind of love interest.
Jeremy Clarkson, I think not!+------------ that last bit there is from my kitten, I think she's trying to say that James isn't bad but is he even into ladies let alone kitten ladies?
Oh but he needs a hair cut - I said that, not my kitten.
Great technical production on Top Gear. I've been asking the editors here to mke me skies like theirs for 3 years and they think I've forgotten.
Well we've been telling you that unless you shoot horizons like top gear then we can't make the skies. Also I'm quite sure they shoot with filters, if anyone has any idea of what they do use I would be very interested to hear.
We've also been telling you that girls and cars are different are very different subjects and the reason that top gear skies work so well is because cars are shiny and fast.
Ah, you see I knew this would be a hotly debated contest. Yes the skies are lovely, filters definitely. I have a pal who works on the team I'll try and find out some info...
James, I'm just not sure. I know he plays the piano.
I like James, he's the smartest and wittiest. That Clarkson's just a lad in a tonka toy factory and Hammond is overcompensating.
Can you ask your mate what sort of mics they use in the outdoor stuff, it's got me baffled. They're too far away to use booms and I don't see any personal mics anywhere. Hey better still, line us up some tix for the show next year!
But ths skies, I'd say, are mostly done in post. Why put in a filter and hope you got it right, when you can sit in front of the screen and try an infinite array of filters on the same footage?
Yeah true about the filters and I agree about James, he's a bit of a dude!
I'll check in with my mate. he doesn't get involved with the actual filming side of things but he may well be able to glean some info....
Ahhhhh Captain Slow, he is definitely my favourite
How rubbish is the Aussie version? I can barely make myself watch it.
Turn on. Tune in. Drop out.
I enjoy books
An Aussie version of Top Gear?! Wont that be full of 4x4's and kangaroo carriers...(only kidding)
I haven't even tried to make myself watch it!
Gala people who enjoy books also enjoy Top Gear, it's like Shakespeare, it works for everyone.
Indeed, I'm a fan of books. Everything from Kafka to Roald Dahl. It's just I also have a taste for fast shiny cars, girls masterbating and dare I say it 'real' midget gems!
What can you do.....
I don't even like cars, especially shiny ones and I still like Top Gear.
What are real midget gems? Or don't I want to know?
Bobby, I presume you're from the UK and you don't know about midget gems? the greatest sweet ever..... Was originally by Lions but was then taken over by Walls I think. They were originally hard and you had Liquorice but when they were taken over they became soft and the Liquorice was replaced with blackcurrant. Travesty!!
Google midget gem, it's a hotly debated issue. more so than female ejaculation!
yeah, strangely I think it was watching Top Gear that got me into Shiny cars. Never looked back since.
Last edited by snicket (12-06-09 17:22:24)
I might be wrong but I think bobby was born in Australia. I'm British tho and I've never heard of Midget gems, but then I don't eat sweets. or drive a shiny car, or have a TV, or watch top gear :) Like the odd youtube clip tho.
They were originally hard and you had Liquorice but when they were taken over they became soft and the Liquorice was replaced with blackcurrant. Travesty!!.
There's an election on the horizon, you should write that in a letter to your prospective candidates now and see what their gonna do about it, I am. I'm telling them my vote depends on it. This could become a burning issue :)
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)
Great nations have been brought to their feel by lesser things!
The French revolution happened because people didn't wanna eat cake. Talk about fussy!!
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)
Those French are a bunch of crazy's...!
Yeah all that cuisine and sex, what makes them think they need all that!
what's wrong with early nights and stodgy puddings.
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)