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#1 27-05-06 05:47:09

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

I am soooo excited

Guess what I just bought!!!



#2 27-05-06 05:48:59

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

hmm yes a skeleton ... I am soo excited ... !!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!



#3 27-05-06 05:52:10

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

now I need to think of a name for him, I have a little Skeleton named Waun and this guy is named Simon

so if anyone has any suggestions for names or just wants to tell me how cool my new skeleton is please do!!


#4 29-05-06 05:29:03

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

Burlesque wrote:

Telescopes are great, and I can't imagine any kid who wouldn't be fascinated with the "close-up" view of the planets.


Or any adult! I'm coming over Liandra! I've just luurrvv planets!!


#5 29-05-06 05:34:49

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

catt wrote:
max wrote:

now I need to think of a name for him, I have a little Skeleton named Waun and this guy is named Simon

so if anyone has any suggestions for names or just wants to tell me how cool my new skeleton is please do!!

Waun is so cute!  Does he have a...beak!?

I suggest Pepe or Boris.  Both good, sound names for your skeletal friend.

P.S.  He needs a hamburger.


thats actually Simon there Catt - Waun is over at my brothers house posing for art! Yes Simon has a beak which is actually really the bone behind the pelvis. I found Simon in a medical shop and thought he was very Goyaesque! The guys who cast small skeletons must have made him with left over bits which I though was just excellent!


#6 29-05-06 05:47:47

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

cynicism wrote:

I am curious, though - are you studying medicine or nursing? Is it possible that Marvellous Max may be becoming Medical Max?

Due to my unfortunate fear of blood and needles I can never be Medical Max, Khanada was closer to the mark but basically I just like skeletons!   
Blissed when I drove him home I couldn't resist putting him in the front seat looking out the window, infact the shop dude was quite insistant on it, now he's in my lounge looking out the window still. I know he's a man because his pelvis is far too small for babies!


#7 31-05-06 04:23:10

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

oh your a sweetheart Blissed!!! You just made my shite day a little better!! xoxox


#8 05-06-06 02:42:27

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

blissed wrote:

Max, have you chosen a name for your deceased friend yet.

thanks for all the suggestions!!! I think that I'm going with Henry. He just sort of looks like a Henry to me.


#9 05-06-06 02:45:12

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

digitalist wrote:

Speaking of which! Max, when's your premium submission coming (heh)?!

I think the tapes might be holding up one of the corners of Richards desk!


#10 07-06-06 10:46:14

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

Burlesque wrote:

Maybe his desk doesn't have any legs and that's why he keeps shoving tapes under it. That's my theory. Nevertheless, it would be nothing short of blasphemy to use anything featuring Max for that purpose!

Being a new member of ISM, I just saw your "Los Muertos" folio there, Max. Beautiful, atmospheric and a whole lot creepier than I would have expected from a nice girl like you. Good work! And yes, everyone, there is a skeleton in it.


Richard has to put tapes under his table because we have run out of spaces to put them. I fear that soon no one will be able to see me for the towers of tapes that surround my desk.
Thanks Burlesque, thats my most smallest skeleton. I'm hoping I'm going to be allowed to do an ISM now with my biggests skeleton.


#11 07-06-06 10:47:14

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

thanks captaintp now I just need to figure out how to use this you tube thing....


#12 10-06-06 13:50:33

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: I am soooo excited

oh Burlesque you make me laugh or maybe I cackle...he he he he he.


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