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This is quite interesting - hands free and multiple orgasms.
I could only have several rapid ejaculations when I was very young, but this guy employs a novel technique to come three times.
Even if I could learn how to do that, (and I must say, it all seemed a bit mysterious) I have far too many parts that aren't under warranty.
I wonder, though, if this would fit better in the YouTube thread?
By the looks of it he's stimulating his prostrate...
Everybody is loved by somebody.
or is that prostate? I can never tell and I've probably just embarrassed myself linguistically...
Everybody is loved by somebody.
Prostate. And the general rule is, it's okay to misspell any parts you yourself don't have.
This is certainly an interesting technique that I have never even heard of!! It is obvious that the man is physically very fit and his muscle tone high, as he is using his PC muscle as the prime 'action' rather than a hand or device.
By rapidly contracting the PC muscle, he will be stimulating the base of the penis and all of the associated tissue, as well as the prostate. By the way in which this causes his penis to jump, it is likely to be stiumulating the whole organ.
What is not apparent from the video (if there was sound, I could not hear it) is orgasm. Whilst it is usual for men to experience orgasm and ejaculation simultaneously, they can be separated - most noticeably in tantric sex. He might be experiencing three ejaculations but one orgasm - or three - or none!
Lastly, and this is not to detract from the achievement, it appears that the amount ejaculated on three occasions, would be broadly similar to that ejaculated by some men in one. So his control of the PC muscle would appear to be absolute.
It's a fine party trick and one that I am probably too old to learn!! So my 100% congratulations (and admiration!) to him.
Pages: 1