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Posponing orgasm can be bliss. I used to do that alot in masturbating. DOing that also made me able to have multiple orgasms as a male, because the arousal would not go away after having the first orgasm.
I do not orgasm faster after abstaining, i do ejaculate more semen though...
I noticed my gf orgasms very easily and also cannot easily postpone, but then she can just have multiples anyways.
Worth noting that "she likes variety too"! After last Saturday morning's slow easy relaxed 2 hour session, I was surprised at 1 a.m. this (Friday) Saturday by an unambiguous and irresistable "I want that in here NOW" manoeuvre. There was no argument - as if I'd try, anyway:)! Resistance would have been futile. The only question (in the context of this thread) was how long would I last before the climax?
Not telling!!!
Last edited by Ianclarke (23-09-07 04:28:28)