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For all you Canadian IFM'ers... HAPPY CANADA DAY!
So, let's all give three cheers in the celebration of our sexy country! I've got myself some awesome seats downtown, in the nation's capital city, for the festivites and fireworks! Should be a blast! Lots of warm air, sun, pretty ladies, and interesting events going on. Not to mention the cra-za-zy fireworks at night.
Any other members of IFM celebrating Canadia-day today? ^_^
Last edited by Dachande (30-07-07 13:18:12)
I'm celebrating Canada Day because I'm appreciative of Canada's relationship with the rest of the world. The general sensibility of the Canadian people, and the fact that some Canadian accents are quite similar to my own, has made me proud to claim to be from Canada when travelling abroad. This has allowed me to avoid many ridiculous political discussions, and even more bar fights.
I'm celebrating Canada Day because I'm appreciative of Canada's relationship with the rest of the world. The general sensibility of the Canadian people, and the fact that some Canadian accents are quite similar to my own, has made me proud to claim to be from Canada when travelling abroad. This has allowed me to avoid many ridiculous political discussions, and even more bar fights.
LOL, ah, the old Canadian-identity-while-traveling trick. Works every time! Apparently a lot of pompous Americans try this as well - but, people usually figure it out pretty quickly. First of all, when Americans try it, they'll trip themselves out with TONS of Canadian flags, t-shirts, symbols, etc... We just don't do that - our idea of patriotism is usually more reserved than flashy. Secondly, if you're making an ass out of yourself in foreign countries, and trying to cover it up by using Canadian symbols, people are going to know you're fibbing. I saw a video on a late-night show once of a "Canadian" tourist bitching to some serving girl about how "they should all learn English in this country and learn how to cook" - he was sporting a Canadian shirt, but was so obviously pompous that everyone knew where he was really from.
It's pretty funny though - in the US, they've got entire stores devoted to "pretending to be Canadian while traveling", complete with t-shirts, "Canadian language" books, symbols, basic Canadian facts you should know, etc... Pretty crazy!
That being said, I don't mind people piggy-backing on our nation's identity, as long as they use it appropriately. There are lots of people around the world - US, Australia, England, etc... - that don't appreciate their government's views on certain issues, and don't want to be crucified while traveling the world for decisions they didn't make. I mean, hey, we're a pretty laid-back people - except for the French *shakes fist in general direction of Quebec* - so, why shouldn't like-minded people benefit from that!
/In a typically Canadian way, the French comment is in jest... ^_^
Last edited by Dachande (30-07-07 13:18:25)
Canada rocks!
If I had any sense I'd be at the harbor on Salt Spring Island right now, knocking back a few Molsons, dancing my butt off and having a hearty party with my Canadian friends... eh?
Dachande is spot on, Canada is a very sexy country. The fireworks ARE crazy and georgious, and are a perfect prelude and beginning to other exqusite activities and revelry if one is, at that point in the evening, so inclined.
Canada is in many ways what the USA should be like and is not, at least now... but we can aspire.
I think Canada has one of the coolest anthems, so it is my toast and dedication today to all Canadians on IFM!
English: … da-eng.MP3
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land
Glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee;
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
French: … da-fra.MP3
Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits;
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." ~Elwood P. Dowd
Here is that same anthem, after about 8 Molsons...
(note the cameo appearance of Captain Jame T Kirk of NCC 1701 Enterprise..)
Last edited by momentextase (01-07-07 20:11:59)
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." ~Elwood P. Dowd
When I went for a travel Canadians were the best English speaking peoples to hang out with. Australia use to be that cool, back in the day, before Howard got it on with Bush.
Happy Canada day! Woohoo!
Happy Canada Day!
If we still had our "fast ferry", I would've taken it over to Toronto to celebrate. Things I remember most about trips to Canada/Toronto- the QEW from Niagara Falls to Toronto, the nineteen-year-old drinking age, Yonge Street, and Chinatown. Young Rochesterians "in the know" go to Toronto to have a good time/find good music/see good bands.
Never been to Ottawa, too young to remember Montreal (although I almost went to college there), been a lifelong dream of mine to go to Vancouver.
Never tried to pass as Canadian in a foreign country, but I wonder if I could with my western New York accent. Thanks for the tips, I'll make sure I don't bust out with my "Roots" wardrobe
Words tend to be inadequate -Jenny Holzer
Happy Canada day from all of us in the mother country to all of you in the colonies .
Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense
LOL, ah, the old Canadian-identity-while-traveling trick. Works every time! Apparently a lot of pompous Americans try this as well - but, people usually figure it out pretty quickly.
I am a pompous American.
Dachande wrote:LOL, ah, the old Canadian-identity-while-traveling trick. Works every time! Apparently a lot of pompous Americans try this as well - but, people usually figure it out pretty quickly.
I am a pompous American.
Well, congratulations if you managed to make the Canadian identity stick then!
Like I said - if you're being respectable/polite enough to pass off as Canadian, you're not being 'pompous'. I've seen and heard about some pretty humours displays by Americans trying to pass themselves off as Canadians - saying "eh" too much, being overly overt with our Canadian flag (which Canadians don't usually do)... Not all Americans are pompous, but the ones who are will have a hard time getting people to believe they're Canadian, lol.
Oh, and Canada Day fireworks in Ottawa were AWESOME this year! ^_^ WOOOOOO! GO CANADA!
While your travelling, if someone doesn't see you as an individual, but is daft enough to think your an ambassador for the entire population of your country, I think they deserve all the bullshit you can give them :)
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)
Just tought I'd take this a little bit too far.
(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)
Blissed - Can't go wrong with Canadian patriotism! ^_^
Canada's got some pretty funny commercials playing on our fierce, if not generally directionless, love of our country (*cough* booze *cough*):
Jason Jones (from The Daily Show) in a Molson Canadian commercial:
Classic! ^_^
Last edited by Dachande (04-07-07 00:55:40)
Pages: 1