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#1 23-03-23 04:19:57

Registered: 29-12-15
Posts: 576

Welcome Amy_T

I wonder if she painted the paintings over her bed herself?  Or maybe they come from a local artist in Georgia?

Res est arduissima vincere naturam,
in aspectu virginis mentem esse puram


#2 23-03-23 05:23:04

Registered: 14-03-06
Posts: 3,330

Re: Welcome Amy_T

I have to say, Amy is one of the most delightful contributors we've dealt with lately.  Getting remote contributors to understand our ethos and send us what we need can be a frustrating and lengthy process, but Amy got it right away.  Next time we're emailing I'll ask about the art.  And by the way her father is at the war...not wanting to get political on this forum so enough to say it's heartbreaking for everyone involved.


#3 23-03-23 08:52:16

Registered: 15-07-19
Posts: 529

Re: Welcome Amy_T

Amy is absolutely delicious indeed!
We feel very sorry for his dad and his family...
Would Hangdog have the time and kindness to translate his profile?
Thank you so much !

Christian (France)

Last edited by alsbosilver (23-03-23 08:52:37)


#4 11-02-24 09:23:52

Registered: 29-12-15
Posts: 576

Re: Welcome Amy_T

Generally I think wearing brands is for cattle, but Amy T makes those white cotton panties with a famous brand name on the waistband look good!

And don't forget about the paintings although I understand if she does not want to share.

Res est arduissima vincere naturam,
in aspectu virginis mentem esse puram


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