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#1 10-05-19 05:52:30

pretty pretty princess
Registered: 14-05-10
Posts: 4,111

cotton or lace?

Or silk or mesh or vinyl... the possibilities are endless. What are your favourite kind of undies?

I'll start...

On me - I love mesh or lace bras that show my nipples, and the matching undies that show my pubic hair. great colours like peach and mint green and pale yellow that make my heart sing. I love anything sheer!! But I'm also really into clothes that have a "dance warm-ups" vibe... so like cotton in neutral colours. I also love like, white cotton undies that are so thin you can sort of see labia through them... thats super hot. I like wearing high waist undies too.

On other girls - all of the above, but plus stuff I don't feel as confident about. Like high-cut thongs, and ... this is a huge one, I LOVE no undies. like girls wearing no bra in public is the best thing in the world.  boys tell me that's all about the nipple, but for me it's more about the shape and the weight of breasts... oooh it's so damn hot. Body suits are great. I also love other girls in those little lacey or simple cut bralettes. Minamalist boob covering that does no heavy lifting is gorgeous. I love simplicity. also boxers and boy-cuts... so hot! also this is a bit crazy but I love other women in underwear that has to do with breastfeeding.

On men - Pretty simple here smile I love tight boxers - what are they called? The ones that aren't loose. Briefs are cool too, especially vintage ones that make me think of italy. Its all good as long as the colour and materials are nice and I can see that cock.

I made a little mood board to give a sense of the vibe I like....

What kind of undies do you guys like?



#2 10-05-19 08:20:10

Registered: 11-08-15
Posts: 565

Re: cotton or lace?

wow viva your undies mood board is so aesthetic!


#3 10-05-19 16:41:24

Registered: 13-06-13
Posts: 30

Re: cotton or lace?

Small white, or solid color, cotton because they frequently show the shape of a pussy. A camel toe is exactly what I'm talking about, and did you know that there are underwear specifically designed to give the appearance of a camel toe.

For me nothing is sexier and will get me hard quicker than the outline of a girls labia, especially if showing a bit of wetness between her legs, hence the need for a solid color as you can see it easier.

Now that said I've never met a pair of female underwear, of any type, that I don't like as long as there is a woman wearing them, especially if about to take them off of her.

Breasts, I'm with you Viva, it's about the shape and not just one type, large or small, rather it depends upon how they fit with the rest of the woman. If a nipple is showing, especially a very prominent one, that deserves extra attention. From the images above, the model in the lowest right photo is my vote for best bra and breast display.


#4 13-05-19 01:18:16

pretty pretty princess
Registered: 14-05-10
Posts: 4,111

Re: cotton or lace?

omg camel toe is such a crazy thing! We are kind of told it's embarassing and don't let it happen but my perspective has definitely changed. Camel toe is HOT. Why do they tell us it's gross. what is wrong with this world. Outlined vagina... visible through clothes... yes please. it's even hot hearing about how it's hot for you.

while we're at it, I want to be able to see your cock through your pants too. Just so you're aware.

what are these special camel toe undies?? I've never heard of them! I want to go braless in camel toe undies and scandalise the world.

I'd say there are undies I don't like - fake satin-y ones or anything that reminds me what you can buy at a cheap porn shop. generally black and red, though it can be done well and beautifully like a spanish vibe. and as a big-breasted girl who KNOWs her shit about bras, ill-fitting ones make me cringe! It's astounding how often you'll see big breasts models in bras that aren't sized properly for them. It's a pet-peeve and as I grow older I wouldn't be surprised to find myself writing righteously indignant letters to magazine editors to express my discontent with their business practices!


#5 13-05-19 02:55:27

Registered: 26-09-12
Posts: 314

Re: cotton or lace?

Viva, are you referring to boxer briefs? Length of boxers, design of briefs. I used to wear them a lot, but I eventually found boxers to be a bit more comfortable. Less constrictive. But I've also heard many women say that boxer briefs are the sexiest of men's underwear, so I've been slowly rebuilding my collection lol


#6 13-05-19 03:20:34

Registered: 11-08-15
Posts: 565

Re: cotton or lace?

viva wrote:

Outlined vagina... visible through clothes... yes please. it's even hot hearing about how it's hot for you.

Once, at a coffee shop, I found myself staring for what might be publicly acknowledged as an inordinate amount of time at a lady's cameltoe - she had just come in from yoga at the studio next door. She caught me looking, and I was instantly ashamed. But she gave me a polite half-smile, as if to say it's all right, you can have a gander, and then walked out and carried on her day.

Last edited by smoothed (13-05-19 03:21:12)


#7 15-05-19 19:58:27

Registered: 03-02-17
Posts: 37

Re: cotton or lace?

Viva,  ever heard of a bullet bra?  They were popular in the USA  back in the 1950's.  I was too young to appreciate them back then,  but would love to see  them make a comeback.  Would you wear one?  They really let you show off what you have!



#8 16-05-19 00:31:57

pretty pretty princess
Registered: 14-05-10
Posts: 4,111

Re: cotton or lace?

I'd try but those things make girls with B cups look big... mine would be out of control!


#9 05-06-22 06:06:06

Registered: 24-01-16
Posts: 1,488

Re: cotton or lace?

viva wrote:

omg camel toe is such a crazy thing! We are kind of told it's embarassing and don't let it happen but my perspective has definitely changed. Camel toe is HOT. Why do they tell us it's gross. what is wrong with this world. Outlined vagina... visible through clothes... yes please. it's even hot hearing about how it's hot for you.

Totally, I love Bernadette's Into My Eyes 1 , from 1:10 after she opens her blouse and hitched up her plain cotton panties, she display a beautiful cameltoe.then keeps her panties on for anothe two delicious minutes while she delves beneath the material, into her warm wetness.


#10 02-08-22 20:17:51

Registered: 05-04-22
Posts: 135

Re: cotton or lace?

Hangdog90 wrote:
viva wrote:

omg camel toe is such a crazy thing! We are kind of told it's embarassing and don't let it happen but my perspective has definitely changed. Camel toe is HOT. Why do they tell us it's gross. what is wrong with this world. Outlined vagina... visible through clothes... yes please. it's even hot hearing about how it's hot for you.

Totally, I love Bernadette's Into My Eyes 1 , from 1:10 after she opens her blouse and hitched up her plain cotton panties, she display a beautiful cameltoe.then keeps her panties on for anothe two delicious minutes while she delves beneath the material, into her warm wetness.

I wish we had more of Bernadette!  She is so beautiful and I love all her videos.  Into My Eyes 1 has an awesome example of a perfect camel toe.  Are there any other examples that spring to mind?


#11 03-08-22 08:14:48

Registered: 29-07-22
Posts: 32

Re: cotton or lace?

I find the demands on women an absurd part of sociology. Men doctors declared, not too long ago, that women couldn't orgasm. If they did orgasm, they were considered half-women or hysterical. When MDs actually realized and collectively decided that yes, women can have orgasms, it did not take long until the male society demanded that they must orgasm, or they weren't real women and, more importantly, it was 'evidence' they didn't love the man they had married. Female orgasms became a thing to please men!

Same thing 'went down' when som man declared he had found that some women orgasm vaginally. This was totally unheard of, and soon women were considered immature if they 'only' orgasmed via clitoris stimulation, and at this point the MDs thought the clit is only what they could see from the outside.

But the vulva so desired by heterosexual men had to be kept hidden of course, and if its shape should ever be visible from underneath its clothing, the woman must feel shame and cover herself better, else she's a ghastly idiot.

Enter Japan and South Korea making camel toes fashionable, but like in America where women are trained to show as much as possible what they are hiding by using suitable, padded or perky bras, the camel toe trend also called for artificial reshaping of women.

I don't know if this was a big thing when Viva wrote her posts (g*d what great posts she wrote!), but instead of letting the vulva shape come out naturally (do people sneer when men's junk is visible through our pants?), you buy artificial ones, now.

UK Metro wrote about this camel toe knickers fashion in early 2017 where Miranda Larbi writes:

"...good news my flat-lipped sisters. If you’ve ever worried that your vagina just isn’t prominent enough through your shorts or yoga pants then worry no more."


And Lucy D'Agostino of the juicyvlog reviewed the trend not just by saying the trend is ridiculous, but "If I had [a camel toe] I wouldn't want to show people, I'd be embarrassed to have one; it's nothing to brag about." The stupidity of the trend wasn't the problem to her; it was the shame of the anatomy that inspired the trend.


So I guess it means a woman's vulva isn't good enough in itself – unless this thing only was for drag shows and similar. At the very least there's a double standard roaming about.

Same thing with nipples, and oh, how anxious have many women not been not to let those be visible from under the bra? That'd be so embarrassing, rude and indecent!

Instead they should now buy fake ones that pop out a little harder, to show their femininity without revealing its true nature.


Had I been a woman I hope I would have been happy with my camel toe, or at least not care about it showing. And my nipples. Now, I feel a bit ridiculous: Nipples on men – what a misdesign! Rudiments, scientists calls it.

And, oh yes, the double standards. Razor brand Billie wants to be positive female body hair affirmative with their ads, they say, but the objective is of course to make women shave it all off, using their products, while pretending to appeal to women's confirmation of their own bodies.


When will we let women just be and do their thing?

EDIT: BTW, Viva: I'm cotton. Here with Catherine Spaak:


Last edited by Fredrikali (03-08-22 08:18:44)

Favourite genre: Adventure
Favourite looks: Tattoo-free


#12 08-08-22 03:42:22

Registered: 11-10-19
Posts: 142

Re: cotton or lace?

While there is no doubt that women are subject to ridiculous beauty standards and ideals, and it would be GREAT if society could just accept people as they are, I think it is also important to acknowledge that things like stick on nipples are not inherently negative.

Fredrikali wrote:

Same thing with nipples, and oh, how anxious have many women not been not to let those be visible from under the bra? That'd be so embarrassing, rude and indecent!

Instead they should now buy fake ones that pop out a little harder, to show their femininity without revealing its true nature.


If I didn't have nipples that are generally pretty erect constantly (thanks to having them pierced) I would so use these! I love the look of hard nipples under clothing! However, not everyone's nipples work the same. Some people have inverted nipples for example. Furthermore, not everyone who wants nipples, has them! These images are actually images of "Just Nips Fake Nipples" - whilst they were initially designed as a fashion accessory, they quickly caught the attention of breast cancer survivors. The product was then redesigned to ensure that it was safe to use over surgery scars and incisions, giving people who had undergone a mastectomy a quick, easy and affordable option to have nipples again. They are also used commonly by trans women yet to undergo top surgery.

I don't see product like this as telling me to hide my real nipples and instead show off my fake ones. I see it as a product that offers options for people who may be dissatisfied with their current nip situation, or just wanting to try something different.

I also acknowledge that a product like this has likely left people feeling that there is now something wrong with their own nipples; despite not feeling any dissatisfaction prior to being aware of this product and that isn't awesome. But that could be said about a lot of products that are designed to change aspects of our appearance.
I think it's important not to lose sight of the enormous benefits a product like this can have for people.


Fredrikali wrote:

And, oh yes, the double standards. Razor brand Billie wants to be positive female body hair affirmative with their ads, they say, but the objective is of course to make women shave it all off, using their products, while pretending to appeal to women's confirmation of their own bodies.

I don't Billie is necessarily "pretending" to appeal to women's confirmation of their own bodies. Whilst predominantly selling razors, they also sell other products. Additionally, people also might want to shave one part of their body, but not others - I like to keep my legs shaved, but I don't always shave my underarms or my pubic hair. I think it's awesome to see a company showing off female body hair in such a big way, even if they are a razor company. Billie's overall mission is to show that it's totally fine to have body hair, but if an individual CHOOSES to remove it, then, their razors are a great product.


#13 19-08-22 20:04:35

Registered: 30-08-17
Posts: 24

Re: cotton or lace?

Thinking about it, I do not have any clear preferences.

It all depends on the situation. Lace, cotton, silk, latex, mesh, linnen, mostly I prefer natural fibres, but not only.
Revealing, covering, or none at all? Yes, please!

I guess my only preference is that the woman likes wearing it.

If worn with confidence even out-washed, dirty, ill-fitting, cheap porn shop undies can be sexy.


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