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#1 02-11-06 11:42:17

Registered: 01-10-06
Posts: 14

The body

Super skinny, a heroin-chic face and 20% plastic. Yep, because nothing else will do. 

What a load of crap. I came to this site for the obvious reasons, (BA was my gateway drug...I must have my fix), and for the not so obvious reasons. One of the main ones  was the lack of objectification I saw in BA. I assumed, correctly, that the value I admired would transfer here. Thank you for not presenting women as sexual objects to dehumanize but as sensual people who are expressing one of the most personal aspects of the human condition. I know that I am male, and will never understand what it is to be a woman and to be treated like a woman, (heard it can be pretty rough sometimes from my sisters), but that doesn't mean that I want to have the "ideal" presented to me, either. All humans, for their foibles, idiosyncracies, hang ups, imperfections and prejudices are really no different than any other human. That is why I appreciate this site, for its presentment of women in the most intimate of moments with no adornment or catering to the "ideal". Don't want to take your clothes off? That's absolutely fine. Don't look like a twig? Good, because there's no reason to be disingenuous and pretending that that is the only sort that would be "desireable". Age, gravity, environment and genetics all wreak havok on us, and the their effects shouldn't be used against us when it comes to judgment of who we are.

I'd also like to thank Liandra for the interviews...it fleshes out the women who contribute their moments to this site a bit more...so to speak.

In death, not only are the mightiest and most humble brought down to the same level, but were no different from any other organism.


#2 02-11-06 12:42:03

From: Yorkshire & Imladris
Registered: 17-07-06
Posts: 1,028

Re: The body

Well put antiface.  Welcome to the forum.  Something tells me you will fit in here just fine.


Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


#3 25-11-06 14:11:54

From: Australia
Registered: 13-10-06
Posts: 211

Re: The body

I'm just catching up with some of the threads I've not yet read. Hey antiface, I like what you said. As a woman I say "thank you" for accepting and believing it is okay to not fit the "ideal" that society suggests we should be. And thank you for saying it is okay to have foibles, idiosyncracies and hangups etc. So many women strive to be the impossibly perfect woman, and they often do so in the mistaken belief that this is what men want from them. I hope there are more men like you out there in the world antiface. Cheers!


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