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i just was uh, on the wrong side of the web when i saw a link to a shout-out from an alternative media-collective in Eygpt.
from their site....
Mosireen, which is a play on the Arabic words for "Egypt" and "determined" was founded in the wake of Mubarak's fall by a group of film makers and activists who got together to found a collective space dedicated to supporting citizen media of all kinds. We film the ongoing revolution, publish videos that challenge state media narratives, provide training, technical support, equipment, organise screenings, and events and host an extensive library of footage from the revolution.
Does anyone have any successful crowd-funding they wanna share? One day when I build my empire, I wouldn't mind co-funding an artist venture or two, or three hundred
"You look ridiculous if you dance
You look ridiculous if you don't dance
So you might as well dance."
- Gertrude Stein