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I am really fascinated by the sites as IFM, ISM, BA. The common thing is enjoying the beatiful orgasms of beatiful ladies - reaching the top mostly _alone_. Is there a site about, where real loving partners fondle each other and reach real orgasms?
So I simply seek the extension of these sites with sex, but definitely not porn. The lack of love and the fake orgasms making the porn useless.
I hope that the question is not too radical and I do not hurt the IFM community, but I would think that the further extension of the limits, like ISM over BA, would be nice.
Thanks for your answers. Bye.
There's nowt wrong with the question. I reckon the majority of people who come (no pun intended ) here do so cos the orgasms are genuine. The vast majority of porn sites don't bother with them, unless its the guy who is jerking off. The main reason why I prefer female masturbation videos is cos the fact that she is really enjoying herself comes across so much better. Men just get in the way during scenes with couples. I reckon the only place your likely to see the genuine article during a couples sex scene is on amature sites.
Cheers. Dynamo.
I work in the thunder and I work in the rain. I work at my drinking, and I feel no pain.
I work on women, if they want me to. You can have me climb all over you.
Jethro Tull - Steel Monkey
I am really fascinated by the sites as IFM, ISM, BA. The common thing is enjoying the beatiful orgasms of beatiful ladies - reaching the top mostly _alone_. Is there a site about, where real loving partners fondle each other and reach real orgasms?
So I simply seek the extension of these sites with sex, but definitely not porn. The lack of love and the fake orgasms making the porn useless.
I hope that the question is not too radical and I do not hurt the IFM community, but I would think that the further extension of the limits, like ISM over BA, would be nice.
Thanks for your answers. Bye.
Hopefully this site sulla2. This is an old topic and there have been various discussions on it from time to time since week 1 of the site. I personaly would like to see more male/female couples submissions (like the "Frauline" submission) in the future. Opinions on this differ though. Of course it depends on couples approaching the site to do submissions.
Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense
... I reckon the only place your likely to see the genuine article during a couples sex scene is on amature sites....
Thx Dynamo. I agree, but the quality of the stuff on amateur sites is mostly erratic, or simply bad. If you film the scenes with some expertise - as by IFM -, you can enhance them, making them more desirable to watch.
... I personaly would like to see more male/female couples submissions (like the "Frauline" submission) in the future....
Hi Elfman, I may be wrong, but I can't really see official encouragement for the couples to sumbit scenes.
Bye, Sulla
i dont think there's any official encouragement for anyone to submit scenes, which i think may be addressed soon. but see the "prospects for diversifying" section in the "ifeelmyself" section for further discussion on this.