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Same old story. Bah.
This is really really awful and lame.
But hey, we have to think of the public and 'the children'. I mean ffs as if kids don't see bare boobs in other instances, like breast feeding or when mum gets out the shower.
So freaking frustrating
The artist must be so disapointed and as someone pointed out, if no guidelines for images submitted were posted then removing the image compromises the integrity of the entire competition.
Turn on. Tune in. Drop out.
Yeah, it totally does compromise the integrity of the contest, but somehow I doubt anyone will remember that in a week or two. But then, I'm in a cynical mood.
I'll be forever frustrated by the way women's bodies are sexualised and vilified in any context. There really doesn't seem to be any way to win.
But, that said, I'm in a cynical mood!
Pages: 1