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#1 28-04-06 05:51:34

Registered: 18-03-06
Posts: 330

Hey Elfman,

You might want to check out the new rpg, oblivion. Since you like rpg's, I thought it would be right up your alley.

Now if I could combine this site. With the game, my world would be perfect.

Jilling elves, my dream come true. smile


#2 28-04-06 06:02:00

Forum Admin and Webmaster
From: Melbourne
Registered: 18-01-06
Posts: 150

Re: Hey Elfman,

Alas for us oldskool pen and paper RPGers...

[ -- On no account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once... -- ]


#3 28-04-06 09:02:47

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Hey Elfman,

msnevil wrote:

You might want to check out the new rpg, oblivion. Since you like rpg's, I thought it would be right up your alley.

Now if I could combine this site. With the game, my world would be perfect.

Jilling elves, my dream come true. smile

Thanks msn but I only play table top. Nine guys gathered together in a room for 18 hours for no other purpose than rolling funny shaped dice, talking in strange voices and trying steal xp off of each other.  I've had a few brief flirtations with PC and online RPGs but it doesn't really interest me I'm afraid.  The interaction of the personalities of the various players and how they play their characters is the game for me.

thanks for the suggestion all the same mate.



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