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Pages: 1
Since I am still quite new member in here and didn't have enough time to explore it exhaustively, I am not aware of who write(s) the texts that introduce each new vid submission.
I must say that I always take the time to read them before I right-click the DL box... As an artist, I appreciate all your ( the Team) efforts towards making this site a unique experience within erotica on the web.
Being a French-Canadian, English is a second language for me and I am aware I am not perfectly fluent with it. It might happen some times that my posts sound a bit awkward and I wish to appology in advance for this.
But, when I really do care about any subject, I can't refrain from posting about it and tonight, I just wish to share with you all, staff and members, my enthousiasm towards this site!
It's mostly gala who writes the blurbs these days linstrumentiste.
Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense
It's mostly gala who writes the blurbs these days linstrumentiste.
And she does it brilliantly. Gala, do you also name the videos? Or does the contributor have a say in that?
The_Elfman wrote:It's mostly gala who writes the blurbs these days linstrumentiste.
And she does it brilliantly. Gala, do you also name the videos? Or does the contributor have a say in that?
I'll leave that for gala centrevom. I don't know the answer to that one.
I wrote a sort of blurb once. The bit at the top of the home page where it says "An historic achievement in erotica. The beauty of the authentic female orgasm, beautifully filmed and tastefully presented". I'm fairly sure they are my words. (Give me a break. I'm a lowly moderator in search of as much kudos as I can get).
Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense
Pages: 1