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Pages: 1
What a great feature this is on IFM! Once again, the wonderful use of many colors and an outdoor shoot can only be the signature of one person. A style I particular love. So much of a Monet/Manet, even a Seurat feel to them. To quote the brilliant Zero Mostel, "Please do go on. And on, and on..."
"Chacun prépare sa propre mort."
French saying.
She's so beautiful and a great person I had the pleasure to meet her in more than one way *ehem* so I cannot wait to see her in video too!
Amarna and Mylah are just about the most incredible contributors I have ever .....loved on I.F.M.........Sorry Liandra........I would give ....''several fingers''.....[I've got ten after all.] meet young women like them here in rural Northern California....
Azure Ray........ Lisa Germano....... Harold Budd.....I.F.M..........This is the perfect world for my heart.......
Pages: 1