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I haven’t seen yet that comedy.
Thanks for sharing. Never heard of it but it looks delightful. And there is a factual basis at least for the term "Hysteria" in times past. How it was treated and why and so forth.
The cure was often brutal and barbaric.
This film looks like great fun.
"Chacun prépare sa propre mort."
French saying.
I've been wanting to see this since I first heard about it, sadly, I've lost my usual movie watching partner who would otherwise have been ideal for such a film to a severe case of getting a real boyfriend. Also, it got pretty bad reviews here in Sweden. A shame on such a great topic for a film.
Let us scatter our clothes to the wind
Hi, I’ve seen the film now, just coming from the movie theatre and I’m still laughing!
It’s a very funny story about the invention of the electric vibrator on 1800s.
I recommend to watch it.
Lol that looks pretty cute and I <3 Maggie Gyllenhaal!
Before hearing of the movie, ended up looking at fair amount of history around female hysteria, from another IFM thread that wandered into musical vibrators.
came upon the wiki link:
Seems that a symptom of FH was "a tendency to cause trouble". Can't have THAT in our women. Also shows an interesting take on Jacuzzi's in the 1860's.
A very popular instrument for relaxation of such exciting conditions was, the treadle-operated sewing machine (pict).
Havelock Ellis (1859–1939, the British physician and psychologist) reported that turn-of-the-century seamstresses using treadle-operated sewing machines could achieve orgasm by sitting near the edge of their chairs.
Oh, such a sewing machine I would like to have been.
I really wanted to see this movie but I don;t think it is going to be released in Australia until later this year.
I've just finished reading a book called "Medical Muses" about the incarceration and experimenting on women with hysteria in France at Le Salpetriere. It was a fascinating book and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in the subject of hysteria. They established with experiments witnessed by many medical professionals that under hypnosis a woman with grand hysteria could be induced to spontaneously produce the wounds of stigmata among many other experiments they tried and displayed in shows that were equally as popular as the theatre.
Grand hysteria was different to the mild hysteria that was treated with vibrators, but was a diagnosis for those who had the most severe symptoms such as psychogenic seizures. I found it interesting whilst reading the book that all the women referred to in the studies had suffered multiple sexual abuses in their childhood but none of the doctors considered this to be the cause of their symptoms. All the doctors were looking for an organic cause not environmental or experience based. Ultimately all hysteria related to sexuality and just how fucked up it was for a woman sexually regardless of her social status.
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