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Pages: 1
I stumbled across this by accident while hunting for erotic poems, and it needs to be shared.
It left me rather speechless, but with a feeling of temptation and lust for this orgasm personified woman, and a renewed wonder of sexuality and being sexual.
Please, let me know how this makes you feel...
Were you hunting for erotic poems to get off to? Can you get off to poetry? I have never tried...
ohhhh yes you can.
I orgasmed to a gong at my BodySex retreat Molly, anything is possible!
Freaking love the line 'The orgasm will peel you like an orange' I feel that in my places.
Incredible! "The orgasm thinks people are like dresses. You don't just buy the first one off the rack" - I love this so much!
"Why would you need the truth when you can have an orgasm?"
And Molly, the written word is so magical, just need to find the right words that make you tick
Pages: 1