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Pages: 1
I swear, this site makes me want to visit Australia like nothing else... does it get any better than nice girls with Aussie accents? Something about a nice Australian or British accent just does it for me, I'm sure I'm not alone. Hmm, can't leave out lovely German, Swedish, and... I better stop. So what accents do the fine folks down under find particularly attractive?
I adore a good american accent
Maaaaaaaaaaaate. Aussie all the way! Especially an Aussie accent in amongst a group of accents from another country. It's so broad & funny sounding.
Although I do find Nordic accents very, very pretty <3 And I have a weakness for the Scots for sure!
I used to listen online to an Aussie radio show, the Quite Spice (er, the "Quiet Space"), and the presinter hed a gryte exint. Gryte music too, too bad it's not on anymore. I love all those accents, but I think for me British is probably the sexiest for some reason. (Sorry Ozzies, love you too!)
English and Scottish accents absolutely destroy me.
My fetish’s always go a little bent - tis a South African accent for me!
"You look ridiculous if you dance
You look ridiculous if you don't dance
So you might as well dance."
- Gertrude Stein
Pages: 1