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I just found out about this great tumblr where women share essays about their orgasms. They're real, raw, sexy and from a distinctly female point of view.
A description from the tumblr's "about" page:
"This is a collection of anonymous essays by women talking about female orgasm. One possible prompt was: Imagine you could give this essay to a past or future sexual partner, free of judgment or repercussion. What would you want them to know? A more general approach was to simply speak about your relationship to orgasm, whatever that means to you, in whatever way you wanted. The female orgasm can sometimes be challenging to achieve and/or talk about, but it goes beyond that. When we talk about female orgasm, something deeper is at play—for one, the societal assessment and conversation of female sexuality; the consequences of which bleed into the areas of our lives far outside the bedroom. We wanted to start a dialogue about how women achieve sexual pleasure; something that is often ignored, devalued, or misunderstood. Here is our look into the spectrum of desire. Of frustration. Of experiences that have left an impact. This project is a platform for women to express themselves, in the hopes they’d find the process therapeutic and clarifying for themselves, and we are now offering that to the world, in the hopes that people will not only feel a sense of community and solidarity, but also feel inspired to begin having these conversations with their friends and sexual partners. This is just the beginning. Let's start talking...."
Last edited by Laney (23-09-15 01:22:07)
So excited to look through these !!!
I know what I'm doing tonight
Pages: 1