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For those who do not know yet, a very good book for women (but also for men worth reading) by Emily Nagosky, „Come As You Are“ … ly+nagoski
Recent scientific findings are explained in an easy to understand way with many metaphors and examples. Available in other languages like French, German, Japanese and more.
Really a helpful, sex-positive book to improve your sexual experience and pleasure.
I've read bits and pieces but you're right, it may be worth it to check out the whole book.
has anyone ever read "she comes first"?
has anyone ever read "she comes first"?
No! I probably should, lots of people talk about it. Sex manuals seem a bit premature given the state of my love life
Res est arduissima vincere naturam,
in aspectu virginis mentem esse puram
omg priv, same *sad high five*
but the way I see it, the more we learn and study now, the more we'll have to share when we do find that special lover ...
I've read bits and pieces but you're right, it may be worth it to check out the whole book.
Hi Viva! When you start reading the book it is important that you read it from beginning to end. It is well structured and you come step by step to a very liberated sexuality and you learn to enjoy the pleasures much more.
omg priv, same *sad high five*
but the way I see it, the more we learn and study now, the more we'll have to share when we do find that special lover ...
Thanks viva *jedi hug* I am sorry, I remember you posted that you are single and looking right now and I should have passed "complaints outward, support inward." I like 'how to' books better than 'self-help' kinds of books.
Res est arduissima vincere naturam,
in aspectu virginis mentem esse puram
And now, as a supplement, a new promising film about the suppression and liberation of female lust. He's coming to the cinemas beginning November.
A movie I'm sure I'll see.
wow this film looks so cool!!
"... the pressure to know you have to have an orgasm."
For the members of the Beautiful Agony page; In the second half of BA 4337's confession, this sexually positive woman talks interesting things about sexual pressure, which of course affects the enjoyment of sexual pleasure.
Yesterday I saw the movie „Female Pleasure“ and I am appalled and shocked by the sexual situation of the majority of women in the world. This suppression and extermination of female sexual pleasure, which is primarily the result of religions, is an absolute catastrophe. The worst of all is female genital mutilation. More than 200 million women in 30 African and Arab states are affected. And every year, hundreds of thousands of Islamic girls living in exile in Europe are deprived of their pleasure organs. The sheer horror !!!
In general, all the major religions of the world, monotheism (Jews, Christians, Muslims), Hinduism, Buddhism, arose from a rigorous asceticism; Are thus fundamentally life, lust-hostile and dualistic. To scrag the sexual sense-pleasure, especially of women, is a sacred ideal. The total concealment, denial, taboo of female sexual desire causes the vulva and clitoris to become non-existent. This is the slightly softer version of female genital mutilation.
Luckily, today there is a hopeful worldwide movement of brave, well-educated and enlightened women and men who rebel against these criminal gangs. If this educated intelligence prevails more and more, their efforts could make a difference, a glimmer of hope at any rate.
I picked up copies of "She Comes First" and Meg-John Barker's "Rewriting the Rules" over the holidays, and "Female Pleasure" is showing in town. I will let you know what I think!
Last edited by privignus (03-01-19 22:01:41)
Res est arduissima vincere naturam,
in aspectu virginis mentem esse puram
kypris, thank you for your anger on behalf of womankind. you're right, it's violent and tragic for all people when female sexuality is stifled or as you say, exterminated. it's shocking and dark.
Everything Glen Duncan ever wrote! Tallulah Rising (which has an unbelievably graphic werewolf sex scene, believe it or not), Weathercock, I Lucifer (in which the Devil rims the arse of a woman who's producing his biopic and describes it as 'gamey'). He writes incredibly, with a phenomenally nuanced understanding of human nature, particularly its dark side.
By the way guys, regarding what Kypris said about supression of female sexuality, I'm pretty sure (without getting out of my chair) that Naomi Kleins newish book Vagina discusses that in depth.
My copy of The Ethical Slut just arrived, I'm also starting Betty Dodsons memoirs too.
I have a HUGE reading list for BodySex accreditation. I'll be sure to post the ones that I think are really good. Although I'm hoping they're ALL good reads.
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